Planetary Journey Relaxation Music Ethereal Relaxing Music For Higher Sensory & Other Worldly Experiences

Planetary Journey Relaxation Music Ethereal Relaxing Music For Higher Sensory & Other Worldly Experiences

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Planetary Journey Relaxation Music with 2 hours Ethereal Relaxing Music For Higher Sensory & Other Worldly Experiences as you are taken into your own inner world of incredible peace and relaxation

Relaxing musical recording that can help you attain a much higher sense of self awareness and raising your vibration through taking you into an amazingly deep state of Harmonious Relaxation.

So come on a Planetary Journey of Self Discovery that takes you into a much more balanced and Aligned state of Being in your Body and Mind, as this powerful Relaxation Meditation music immerses into your Mind & Body completely, then feel yourself rising upwards and onwards into the higher Dimensions of your Mind, your Higher Consciousness and your Soul....